Event Planning

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Planning events of any size

Event planning is often based on past experiences, intuition and luck. While this may work for some events, we feel that there is too much at risk by not going with a proven process.  At ForwardSim we provide proven expertise in event planning based on powerful techniques and risk mitigation strategies.


Working with CrowdWays, a complete 3D representation of the event site can be modeled and analyzed by all stakeholders providing great communication and an efficient way of managing information. Static 3D analysis of the event site is a good start but imagine live pedestrians moving around powered by a highly realistic crowd / pedestrian dynamic model. It is like witnessing the event happening live. You and your colleagues can discuss improvements that can be made to provide a better overall experience to your potential customers.

  • Scenario comparaison
  • Facility requirements
  • Security measures
  • Site improvement
  • Staff positioning
  • Risk analysis
  • Training
  • more …